Custom Dice!

Custom Dice!

Custom Dice!

Don't quite see the dice you are looking for? The Baron is giving you the reins; here is an option for custom dice! Choose 1, 2, or 3 colors for a wicked swirl and any color for the inlay (color of the symbol and pips). You provide the logo and have full control.

The minimum quantity is 500 dice. Shipping charges will vary depending on the region ordered from and calculated separately; on average, shipping within the USA is $40, Europe $85, and Australia $120 for a full x1,000 count of dice. Trust the Baron to make those custom dice you have dreamed about! Worried about quality? C'mon! We produce dice for Play On Tabletop, WTC (World Team Championship), AOS Worlds, including: Teams USA, Germany, Belgium, Australia, and Denmark, Deployment Zone, Battleshock Wargaming, Cinderfall Wargaming, Northern Invasion to name a FEW. These will make your friends jealous.

Please upload an SVG or Black and White PNG file without a background. A great resource is to get an SVG version of your image! (Note: this is a computer generated preview of your custom dice, results will be different in person. You agree to this by purchasing. Higher resolution images are best. COLORS WILL VARY, THESE ARE HAND SWIRLED PREMIUM RESIN DICE). Regardless of quantity, our lead times are 8-13 weeks plus shipping from Maryland, USA to you. If you want the Baron's input, send an email to

These are a YOU original.  They are in no way affiliated with Games Workshop, Mantic Games, Kings of War, or any other brand. The Baron will check. Do not make the Baron upset.

VS Clear

Regular price $425.00

Shipping calculated at checkout.


This is the ultimate level of tabletop gaming! However; perfection takes time. Here is our process:

  • Design: Create your own badass design! Copyright Infringement and Derogatory Graphics will likely be rejected! Use common sense. Play around with colors and remember, white / black inlays are the easiest to read!

  • Submit your Order: Great, you've made up your mind and submitted the order; congrats! Now the Baron himself needs to review the order and make sure everything is within parameters. We'll make sure your design is perfect, confirm sizing, color choices, and design.

  • Production: Strive for perfection and hit excellence, the Baron has an entire domain to run. Lead time is 9-13 weeks for production. During the holidays (December 20- January 5th), there will be no work on dice. Even the Baron needs time off.

  • Final Inspection: Every die is hand swirled. Each die is a unique work of art. Once the production is finished, the Baron personally inspects each batch for QA. At this point you will receive a final photograph of your finished dice!

  • Shipment: Now that the dice are complete, it's time to send them by carrier pigeon. Just kidding, we made it past our medieval roots by now! Shipping rate will be determined and the outstanding balance on your order is due prior to shipping. Depending on location, your custom dice will arrive as quickly as 3 days! (Eagles are only available in continental United States, Kangaroos are optional in Australia and New Zealand) ;P

  • You Win! Roll the dice and be the envy of your entire kingdom! Don't forget to tag us when you start rolling your dice on the tabletops!